A webinar series from Baptist Health Foundation
Brian E. Keeley, President and CEO of Baptist Health South Florida, cordially invites you to an exclusive virtual presentation featuring a special lecture of the Al & Janie Nahmad Speaker Series: Thought Leaders in Medicine.
What's in Our Medicine Cabinets and Pharmacies: Globalization of our Generic Medicine Supply in a Post-Covid World
Zoom Lecture, Featuring: Rosemary Gibson, Senior Advisor, Hastings Center
Author ofChina Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine
Thursday, October 1
12 noon – 1 p.m.
Please register no later than Monday, September 28. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email on September 30 containing the details needed to log in.
Please contactEvents@BaptistHealth.net if you require assistance or a tutorial in utilizing the Zoom application.
This event is by invitation only and non-transferable.